Friday, October 30, 2015


(Culture)=Northern Kazakhstan/7k-5kBCE=8kya 260 steppe geoglyphs in 5 styles,=260 by 5=52= the short century of the Tonalamatl sun calendar,=matlatl/Mahand-dzar/tzalantli(N)= matlatzalantli(Nauatl)=net mesh culture,=Ushtogayskaya Square glyph, named after nearest town,=oox/degrain(corn)sow/toca(N), made up of growing mounds with perimeter of 68 hills once 6'-10'high and 40'across,=4x17=olin(N/17/Tonalamatl)=holy(E)=oya/oox(N)=degrain,=oilia/ooili(N)= Oyloo(Gk)=song/old name for Ceres, with an x/cross within perimeter of 36 mounds=360days= tun(Mayan)=4 seasons of 90days,=104yrs=two year=8 xiumolpilli=sheave of 13yrs=8= tochtli(N/8/Tona)=TocharianA/B= toca/sow and bury,=to/our being/ca,=52&52=104=two xiutlalpilli(N)=xiuitl ilpilli(N)=tying of 52yrs,=104days into the Tona=13 lizard/cuetzpallin (N/4/Tona)=Xilonen, young corn goddess, in 8th trecena=8=tochtli(8)/toca=ce malinalli(N/12)= herb,=malhuia(N/verb)=garden. add the center mound of the X/36=105 days into,=9th trecena=9= atl(N/9)=ce coatl(5th day)/one snake, later=corn goddess=Chicome/7 snake/coatl. Gobekli(Turkish)=belly button/stomach/tomacpol(N),=kopeck(Russ)=peck(E)=1/4 bushel. the Ashutastinsky Cross mounds=4x10&1=41=the same number as the X/cross in Ushtogayskaya Sq., into Tonalamatl 41 days=2/ome cipactli/scribe dragon in the 4th trecena of Xochitl/flower, the night god of ome cipactli=5.miquiztli/skull. the perimeter of Ushtogay/oox toca(N)=4x16= 64 days. if 4x16=naui/4 Demetra/temetlatl/grindstone buzzard=16.ts'ib(Mayan Tzolkin)=wax, writing sign, we connect to the 4by4 buzzard priests of Gobekli in the ruling sun sign, trecena 5(coatl) of Acatl= cane/sceptre and the fire god of herbs, 64 by 9=63, remainder 1.Xiuhtletl, Lord of the year. so one can see there are various ways to interpret/in tepetl/the mountain. number/nombre/hombre/omio petla(N)=homme begins to name/number. my experience is every way counts/poa/powers the message of the mound/tain. for buried artifact: what can identify as center of geoglyph may contain uena/offering.

1 comment:

  1. Turgai trough(Mahandzar/N.Kazakhstan)=Torghut(Mongol/Oirat4)=
    toco(N)=impers.of toca(N)=sow and bury/plant.
