Friday, October 16, 2015


=A/Saxon tribe=me(r)c(i)a=mecatl(N)=line/lineage/rope=rap(OE/OFris)=RapaNui(Easter Island)= tlapa nolhuia(N)=rope nurse,=sima(OE)=sime(OS)=simo(ON)=rope,=sima(Finn)=mead(E)= mëd(Russ)=metl(N)=the maguey rope plant,=cima(N)=comb out the penca of Metis maguey for string fiber,=cima/encima de(Sp)=peak/on top of,=climate/crime(E)=the hand/ma on top/chi. one has to get on top of the maguey to harvest it, crin(Sp)=mane(horse)=after 5k BCE=the Quetzalcoatl Expedition to Amerinda for copper, 4th millenium,=the Naollin, oldest Mayan date, 10 Mzo 3309BCE=Ome Tochtli/Onne Huchi(Ainu)=Vicar of Pulque/Fire Goddess=2 Rabbit= citli/coneja abuela,=citlalli(N)=sideral(E)=star, day 28 of the Tonalamatl, 2d day of the 3d trecena, Mazatl(N/7/Tona)=diós Tlaloc/tlalloque(N)=harlequin=Herla, 1st king of Pryden= spider(E)=priest(E)=pitli(N)=older sister(of the sun)=Brython/Briton=pitli tonatiuh(N). mecania(N)=mechanic=hang in the air. the question: Mercia, 584 AD, slightly after Theodric's mural mozaic discovering Ehecatl/Hecate giving her powers and those of her son, Quetzal, to Maria and Jesus in Ravenna=tlatlauentli(N)=flame offering,=rawend(ara)=rhubarb=Lawrence, to begin the rise of that great excess of the RCC, Mariology, which closed many chapters of history in favor of double heresy. as HRE Theodric was Goth he knew about the Baltic/palti(N)= soak/wet adventure in Teotihuacan(262BCE-750AD)where Tlaloc was God, at home known as Rarog, curtailed as fire demon who took hawk form=Charlchiuitlicue(N)=goddess waters, 2d wife of Tlaloc,=chalch/halc/ch/halcón/falcon. 4c AD the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, the ciudadela, shows signs of political reform, a rejection of autocratic rule in favor of collective rule, which has a Baltic flavor. Chalchiuitlantli(N)=Blue Tooth(Danish)is said to have built it. the temple was painted blue. mass grave 2 contained 8 females=tochtli(N/8/Tona)=to/our being/ca(N)=sow and bury,=grave 4 had 18 warriors=tecpatl(N/18/Tona)=flint/arrow. mecatl(N/sfx)=line/lineage

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