Saturday, June 18, 2016


(J)=archaic dog similar to a raccon,=tlan/land knock/noquia(N)=spill/piloa,=archaic dog who crossed the Bering fm Amerinda to Siberia, small, stumpy and dumpy forager of the boreal forest, 1k live in Tokyo&grounds Imperial Palace, an invasive species, ancestor of european Spitz(5k BCE)to judge by its sharp nose,=bakeru tanuki/bake tanuki(J)=shape- shifter in the folklore it dominates, over-sexed, big balls, usually 6 pups to a litter=6.Miquiztli, Lord of dogs, the first and most successful canine, still in the wild and proliferating, subject to culls on the Oki islands.

1 comment:

  1. tanuki(J)=racoon dog,=tlan(N/locative of tlalli/earth or land) and
    noquia(N)=knock, spill, purge, diarrhea, or,=tla(N/particle)=
